Music, Arts & Self Mastery Mentoring
"Music and the Arts connect us. Their enjoyment and infinite unique expression are for everyone. Creativity at its BEST comes through open free flow and nurturing each person's unique expression of the language of their Soul.” ~ Jewel
Are you seeking to find and express your own inner creativity, and connect with the master creator within you? Jewel's diverse and extensive background combined with her unique approach allows for your inner artist, whatever it may be to organically unfold.
You will begin to recognize and connect with your original imaginative spirit. This could unfold through playing music, on any instrument, voice, artistic creations or sharing though language either written, spoken or sung.
By creating a natural, comfortable atmosphere to inspire, encourage and allow your gifts to play and flow freely, Jewel will design a custom program that is tailored specifically for you.
“Flow with your heart, just go in and pour it out…”
These song lyrics flowed from the heart and voice of a 3 year old child Jewel was mentoring in music and art over 30 years ago. A moment profoundly beautiful and magical, her words carried a message for everyone. Music and Art can create positive transformation in our lives, and we never stop evolving.
As an empathic mentor who has worked with people of all ages privately in classes and workshops for decades, Jewel will compassionately guide you in expanding your own creative expressions and bring out your best abilities and gifts.
Jewel’s methods embrace a holistic balance that inspires her clients to open their hearts and blossom in becoming more than they thought they could be.
She offers coaching and mentoring for all artists and musicians on any instrument and creative art. Jewel will integrate philosophies of creative techniques, healthy body awareness and deep listening skills. In music, she coaches playing by ear as well as basic music theory. Sessions are customized to bring out the best in each individual, based on their desires and strengths.
Jewel encourages her clients to become more confident and self directed by offering supportive creative resources. As a seasoned world traveler, she brings to her mentoring a strong understanding of the global connections that are possible through music and art.
Jewel's offers mentoring and lessons on:
Your instrument/musical instrument explorations
Yoga of the Voice
Creative Arts
and more!
Contact Jewel to learn more and to schedule.

“Jewel was my teacher for many years. Her teaching style is positive, warm, and imbued with heart, just as her music is. She is deeply creative and played a very influential role in nourishing my creativity as a young student, teaching me not only an international repertoire, but also improvisation and composition." - Kristin C.
Everything in the Universe is Vibrations of Sound & Music​
Be open, believe and trust in your own natural expressive inclinations!
There are no wrong notes or mistakes; all sounds and actions are presented for us to respond to with an openness and creative curiosity to experience, learn and grow.
Deep inner listening with full presence facilitates technical skills and a mastery of quality of tone and expression. We develop quality of tone by focused awareness, attention, intention and having comfortable physical ease in our body." ~ Jewel